14th Nov 2021 – Dr. Steve Dunn – Gabriel visits Zecharias

Countdown to Christmas

Luke 1:1-25

The Angel Gabriel visits Zecharias -Luke 1:1-25

Discussion Questions

1. How do we maintain our faith when the culture around us is not conducive to our faith?
2. What are some of the reasons that God does not seem to answer the prayers of good sincere Christians who have prayed for years?
3. Rejection is a difficult burden to bear. What are some ways you have found helpful in dealing with it?
4. When Alexander the Great made Greek the official language of the world, God used it to prepare the way for the spread of the gospel. How else did God prepare the ancient world for the coming of Jesus?
5. What made John the Baptist great in the eyes of the Lord? Matthew 11:7. John 1:22-28.
6. Age is one reason for cutting back on the work of the Lord. Can you list other reasons why we may be reluctant to attempt things for God?

Whangarei Central Baptist Church