7th Nov 2021 – Dr. Steve Dunn – Prepare the Way for the Great God

Countdown to Christmas

Isaiah 40:1-17

Prepare the Way for the Great God – Isaiah 40:1-17

Discussion Questions

1. God is the God of all comfort, the father of mercies. Are you personally in need of comfort this week? In what practical ways can we be like Him and bring comfort to others?
2. Read 1 corinthians 14:3 “those who prophesy speak to other people building them up, and giving them encouragement and comfort.” How can we use our speech to build others up, encourage them and comfort them? Before we speak, could we ask ourselves the question: “does what I have to say build up, encourage or comfort the other person”? Could this be our motto in our buildup to Christmas?
3. In verse 2 God comforts Jerusalem by acknowledging they have had a hard time, forgiving their sins and seeing they have suffered enough. Can we do the same with people who have hurt us?
4. How can we prepare the way for the Lord in our own lives and in the church? (Verses 3-5)
5. How do verses 6-8 help us set our priorities as we make daily decisions or set goals for the future?
6. Why has the Bible survived intact after 2000 years of bad treatment? (Verse 8)
7. Can you remember specific examples in your life when you found Jesus to be your shepherd? (Verses 9-11)
8. Verses 12-15 show God as the all-powerful, all-wise creator and sustainer of all things. How has God spoken to you through his creation? Have you found it a source of comfort?

Whangarei Central Baptist Church