12th Sept – Kids Central Online – Miraculous Healings

Children’s Ministry – The Miracles of Jesus continued

Jesus Heals the Paralysed Man – Luke 15:17-26
Jesus Heals the Blind Man – John 9:1-41
Jesus Heals the Man with Leprosy – Matthew 8:1-4

Hope you all enjoyed a fabulous Father’s Day last Sunday and the miracles we heard about from Grandma Maybeth and Luarna earlier. These were miracles of God’s protection of a family in hiding with a young baby in China and a miracle of God supplying the money needed for Luarna to go on a mission trip to Romania.

This week and next we have more exciting miracles that Jesus has done for us! Our church family is sharing with us their stories of Jesus healing people! We’ll be hearing about a miraculous story involving Iain’s brother falling off a cliff and breaking so many bones in his body, including his skull, neck, back and leg! Judy will share with us how she and some friends prayed for a lady who was about to have an operation to save her life. Plus, Luarna will share her miracle story after doctors told her she would never have a baby.

We are also looking at stories in the bible about Jesus healing people. There will be cartoon bible stories for Junior Primary and scenes from ‘The Chosen’ for Senior Primary!

Jesus Heals the Paralysed Man Colouring Pages
Jesus Heals the Blind Man Colouring Pages
Forgiveness Colouring Pages
Printable Activity Sheets

Jesus Heals the Blind Man Story Book

Don’t forget, you can still be a “Memory Verse Champion of the Term!” You just need to learn the verse each week and be able to recite them all at the end of term.

Week 7 Memory Verse (12 Sept) Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

I’ve also set up just for you a KIDS CENTRAL VIDEO CHANNEL on Right Now Media. There are loads of fun videos for you to watch. Parents just need to login. If you don’t have a login you can create one here. RightNow media link

Here’s a link to lots of different online storybooks on Jesus’s Miracles and much more. https://bibleforchildren.org/languages/english/stories.php

Video testimonies – Next week we’ll be showing you some more videos of wonderful testimonies of God’s healing miracles! Miracles that Jesus is doing today; just as he did in bible times.

If you have experienced a miracle, please make a short video of your story so we can share it with others. You could use a cell phone and record yourself in selfie mode. (Landscape is best for our screens).

We look forward to seeing you again soon!

Many Many Blessings, Rachel Krum

Whangarei Central Baptist Church