12th Sept 2021 – WCBC Online – Pastor Dr. Brian Krum

In/Joy Life

Philippians 1:1-11

[The discussion guides through Philippians are more experiential than interpretive for this series. The text is highly relational, rather than didactic or theological, so our discussion/reflections should follow that relational tone.]
Discussion Questions:

1. What is your impression of the tone of Paul’s greetings and introduction? What kinds of feelings does Paul communicate? Do you usually associate this kind of emotional writing with the Apostle Paul? With Christians in general? Why or why not?
2. What kind of greeting is “grace and peace to you”? Have you ever had grace and peace extended to you, or how do you extend it to others? What does that look like?
3. In verse 7, Paul says, “all of you share in God’s grace with me.” What kind of relationship does Paul express through this statement? Have you “shared in God’s grace” with someone before? What is that like?
4. What holds us back from sharing this kind of affection for one another? How would we overcome these challenges?
5. Reread Paul’s prayer in verses 9-11. Reflect on it for a minute or two, and then write your own paraphrase of it with your own understanding and imagery. (If meeting as a group, would anyone like to share what they wrote?)
6. What kind of life does Paul want for the Christians at Philippi?
7. Do you ever lose hope of becoming the kind of person you long to be and that God wants you to be? What events or decisions have possibly led you to think this? How does this passage help or give you hope that this will change for you now?
8. Reread verse 6. What is Paul saying, and what does that mean for you? For us?

Pray individually or as a group according to the promise of verse 6.

Whangarei Central Baptist Church