20th June 2021 – Brian Krum – “Friendship”

Jesus + Nothing Part 9 - "Friendship"

Colossians 4:7-14

Week Nine
Opening Questions:
1. Tell about a time you tried to, or wanted to share Jesus with someone who didn’t know him.
2. If you could fix any one problem in the world through prayer, what would it be (other than salvation of the whole world)?

Important to Know:
It is very easy to skip the introduction and conclusion of the New Testament epistles because at first glance they do not look very important. But there are many wonderful nuggets of truth in both the introductions and conclusions.
Paul concludes his letter to the Colossian with 12 individual names three groups of people and six essential types of friendships listed in his closing:
a. The helping friend who is always there in times of need.
b. The weak friend whose burden you help carry.
c. The compassionate friend who is beside you though everything.
d. The restored friend whom God has redeemed
e. The praying friend who remembers your need
f. The inspiring friend who helps you succeed

Questions from the Text:
Look at the six different kinds of friendships from this week’s passage.
1. Which ones of these friendships do you have right now? How could you honour, encourage and thank them?
2. What character traits do you value in a friend?
3. Which types of these friendships do you need, but lack right now? How can you be more open to God ushering them into your life?
4. Looking at the essential friendship again. Which type of friend are you?
5. What friendship characteristics do you think you need to seek to develop?
6. Read Exodus 18:14-18. In this story, Moses is super-busy helping people. What does his father-in-law Jethro point out to him? What advice does he give? Do you need to hear this same type of advice?
7. Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. What truths about friendship do you see?

Application Questions:
Think of a friendship that needs to be restored and one that needs to be nurtured. What can you do this week to progress this? Ask God for wisdom and strength to do that.

Whangarei Central Baptist Church