Introducing Local Missionary to Youth in the North: Chelc Smart

Introducing Local Missionary to Youth in the North: Chelsea Smart

Chelc has sensed God’s calling to youth work and particularly amongst year 6 – 8s for many, many years. She is a totally committed Christian, a creative and artistic person, gifted in one on one mentoring and a long-term member of Whangarei Central Baptist Church.

Back in 2011, as a volunteer in the intermediates program she was identified as a person with a passion for youth and leadership potential. She spent three years on the team and then took over leadership of this ministry from 2014 – 2018. Since then she has joined the Rock Solid ministry (still focused on this age group) under Scottie Slykerman’s leadership. She, like Scottie, see this age group as a crucial time in a young person’s character, faith and life skill development. She has a dream of not only helping WCBC’s ministry to intermediate youth develop, but of working with the Rock Solid Youth team to start up and support youth clubs throughout the north.

Chelc has been a key senior youth group leader for many years and contributes a huge number of voluntary hours into youth ministry every week.

She has:

  • Run a variety of youth camps.
  • Run special youth and church events.
  • Been active in youth leadership for many years.
  • Worked as a 24/7 youth worker in the schools.
  • Completed a Praxis course in youth work.
  • Had some training in early attachment trauma, positive psychology and self-harm through Compass Seminars.

With the support of the eldership and senior pastor of WCBC and the full support of the Youthzone/ Rock Solid Trust Chelc would like to move into full-time youth work.

Chelc is a Godly young lady with many youth orientated skills. Please consider partnering with her in impacting the youth of the North in a holistic and positive way.

If you wish to learn more about Chelc please contact us on [email protected]/ 021782547.

If you wish to become a missional partner of her in her ministry please consider setting up a payment to Youthzone trust (12-3093-0326942-01). Put Chelc in the details.

Whangarei Central Baptist Church